Bylaws & Policies

Below are some of the Town of Falher’s Bylaws and Policies. Original signed Bylaws and Policies are available for viewing at the Town Office. If the bylaw or policy you are looking for is not found below please contact the Town Office at 780-837-2247 or email

If you have a bylaw complaint to make to the Town, contact the Town Office during office hours.

In order for Administration to record a complaint, you must be willing to give your name, address, and phone number. This information is kept confidential. Once a complaint has been made with Administration, it is passed on to the appropriate department. If your concern involved a bylaw, it is passed on to the Peace Officer.

Bylaw tickets can be paid at the Town Administration Office during regular business hours.


Bylaw TitleBylaw Number
Revised South Falher Area Structure Plan07-06
Revised South Falher ASP Schedule A - Location Map07-06 Schedule A
Revised South Falher ASP Schedule B - Plan Area07-06 Schedule B
Revised South Falher ASP Schedule C - Ownership07-06 Schedule C
Revised South Falher ASP Schedule D - Existing Conditions07-06 Schedule D
Revised South Falher ASP Schedule E - Future Land Use Plan07-06 Schedule E
Revised South Falher ASP Schedule F - Proposed Water Distribution System07-06 Schedule F
Revised South Falher ASP Schedule G - Proposed Sanitary and Stormwater System07-06 Schedule G
Revised South Falher ASP Schedule H - Phasing07-06 Schedule H
Regulating Cats and Dogs09-06
Vicious Dogs09-07
Animal Control Bylaw10-03
Noise Bylaw14-02
Land Use Bylaw14-05
Traffic Bylaw15-13
Amend LUB - Repeal of Northwest Area Structure Plan16-08
Business License Bylaw17-01
Amend LUB - Central Falher ASP Schedule A - Existing Condition17-03 Schedule A
Amend LUB - Central Falher ASP Schedule B - Existing LUB17-03 Schedule B
Amend LUB - Central Falher ASP Schedule C - Future Land Use17-03 Schedule C
Amend LUB - Central Falher ASP Schedule D - Phasing17-03 Schedule D
Amend LUB - Central Falher ASP Schedule E - Water Distribution17-03 Schedule E
Amend LUB - Central Falher ASP Schedule F - Sanitary & Stormwater17-03 Schedule F
Amend LUB - Central Falher ASP Schedule G - Road Hierarchy17-03 Schedule G
Nuisance Bylaw17-06
Notification Bylaw18-07
Fire Services Bylaw18-13
Development Authority Bylaw19-03
Peace Regional Subdivison and Development Appeal Board19-07
Intermunicipal Development Plan19-09
BYLAW NO. 20-06 (Rates of Taxation for 2020)20-06
Cannabis Consumption Bylaw20-11
BYLAW NO. 20-22 (Municipal Development Plan Amendment)20-22
Amended Water Utility Bylaw20-23
BYLAW NO. 20-24 (Amendment to Water Utility Bylaw)20-24
BYLAW NO. 20-25 (Cemetery Bylaw)20-25
Orderly Numbering of Buildings Bylaw1988-01
Amend LUB - Child Care Facility21-02
Rate of Taxation 202121-03
Amend LUB - Class Definition
Repeal unused Bylaws (2021)21-07
Tax Instalment Payment & Penalty Bylaw22-01
Rate of Taxation22-03
Amend LUB22-04
Smoky River Regional Airport Board Bylaw22-02
Number of Councillors Elected22-05
Amendment to Land Use bylaw22-07
Committees of Council24-01
Meeting Procedures23-01
2024 Rate of Taxation24-02
Code of Conduct for members of Council24-05
Waste Collection Bylaw24-06


Policy NamePolicy Number
Tree Planting and Trimming Policy612
Snow Removal Policy614
Public Participation Policy617
801-COVID19 Re-Open Policies and Procedures801
Development Permit Application Processing620
Parade Policy621
Parade Application621
parade Application Map621