Land-Use Planning Framework

The Town of Falher derives its authority to make decisions on land use planning matters from the Government of Alberta through provincial legislation and regulations, including the Municipal Government Act (MGA), the Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA) and the Subdivision and Development Regulation, that delegate certain powers and authority to municipalities. The Town of Falher’s land use planning framework can be illustrated as follows:

Together with the Province’s MGA, ALSA, Land Use Policies and Subdivision and Development Regulation, the Town’s land use planning framework serves as a guide for planning, development and subdivision within the Town of Falher. Following is a description of, and link to, these documents. Some of the Town’s documents represent Office Consolidations that incorporate the original documents and subsequent amendments approved by Council by Bylaw. In case of uncertainty, the reader is advised to consult the original documents, available at the Town office.