


Oversight of entire Main Street closures. (photo above)
East/West traffic closed on 1st Avenue.
East/West traffic open on Railway, Central Ave, 2nd Ave,  3rd Ave & 7th Ave.
Southern most closure is for a maximum of 2 hours. 0800-1000 Saturday June 17th, 2023


Beer Gardens Closure (photo above)
East/West traffic open.
Closed approx. 1300 on Friday June 16th, 2023. Re-Open no later than 1400 Sunday June 18th, 2023.


Midway Rides Closure (photo above)
East/West traffic open on Central Ave and 2nd Ave.
East/West traffic closed on 1st
Closed approx. 1100 on Friday June 16th, 2023. Re-Open no later than 1400 Sunday June 18th, 2023

Show & Shine Closure (photo above)
East/West traffic open on 2nd Ave and 3rd Ave.
Closed approx. 1000 on Saturday June 17th, 2023. Re-Open no later than 1800 Saturday June 17th, 2023.

Fun Run Closure (photo above)
East/West traffic open on 3rd Ave & 7th Ave.
Closed 0800 on Saturday June 17th, 2023. Re-Open no later than 1000 Saturday June 17th, 2023.

Traffic Studies

Below you will find Traffic Study Reports for 3rd Ave SW & 1st Street SW as well as for 2nd Street SW (cemetery road)

As a result of both Traffic Study Reports, Council has begun initial public consultation for the possibility of reducing speed limits within Town Limits. Follow the link below for more information

Speed Limits


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3rd Ave SW & 1st Street SW Traffic Study

September 2021



In February of 2021, Town of Falher council received a letter from a resident requesting that a Stop Sign be installed for North and South traffic at the intersection of 3rd Ave SW & 1st Street SW. Effectively making it a 4-way Stop. The letter discussed speeding vehicles posing a safety concern to the residents, especially for children playing in the neighbourhood. This intersection is approximately 171 meters from Friendship Hill Park.

Upon receipt on the resident’s letter, council passed Resolution 21-69 to accept the letter as information. Council instructed administration to obtain traffic data from this intersection in order to accurately assess the situation and make an informed decision.

Traffic data was collected for Northbound traffic for approximately 3 weeks during August, and
Southbound traffic data was collected for 1 week at the end of August.

This information will be further presented to the public for consultation at the next Town of Falher Open House. (Date TBD).

Read the Full Report


In consideration of both Northbound and Southbound Traffic, 14.45% of travellers were in excess of the speed limit, while 85.55% of travellers were within the speed limit.

At this time, with the current data, Administration is not recommending the installation of a Stop Sign at the intersection of 3rd Ave SW & 1st Street SW. Given the overwhelming majority of travellers within the speed limit, the installation of a stop sign in order to reduce speeding at this intersection could be seen as a disproportionate hinderance to the significant number of travellers already in compliance.

Council may wish to collect further data in order to increase accuracy, explore a speed limit change, conduct neighbourhood education on the dangers of speeding, or any combination thereof. Should council wish, they may also decide to proceed with taking no further action.

The final report of 3rd Ave SW & 1st Street SW Traffic Study was accepted as presented by Town of Falher council on September 20, 2021. (Resolution #21-314)


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2nd Street SW Traffic Study

November 2021


Throughout Spring and early Summer of 2021 Council discussed the issues surrounding 2nd Street SW, as well as its overall future. Council has decided to systematically evaluate the issues. These include road condition, dust control, and speeding. From late August through to early October of 2021 a Traffic Study was conducted on 2nd Street.


Read the full report



In consideration of all travellers in the study, 22.75% of travellers were in excess of the speed limit, while 77.26% of travellers were within the speed limit. Compared to a previous traffic study conducted at 3rd Ave SW & 1st Street SW only 14.45% of travellers were in excess of the speed limit.

If the anecdotal evidence mentioned above is to be taken at face value, more than 22% would be speeding. This would then indicate that action should be taken to reduce speeding.

Council may wish to have bylaw enforcement conduct periodic stops, in addition to a possible speed limit change. The possibility of installing speed bumps is also an option.


The final report of 2nd Street SW Traffic Study was accepted as presented by Town of Falher council on November 10, 2021. (Resolution #21-433)